LT-HT rheology - EVPLab

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Micropenetrometer Setaram - Setsys


Micropenetration and parallel plate techniques
Application: Viscosity measurement
Viscosity range 10^8-10^12 Pa s. T up to 1000°C


Determination of the glass transition,  softening  and sintering temperatures. Phase transitions and kinetic studies due to phase transitions and exsolution of        volatile phases.

Concentric cylinder viscometer


The instrumentation is build up of: 1) Paar Rheolab QC rheometer + supporting framework; 2) Theta Industries MoSi2 box high temperature furnace with buildin  controller; 3) Pt and Mo-spindles to insert in the molten material in a Pt80Rh20 and graphite crucibles; viscosity range 0 - 10^6 Pa s (depending on the assembly geometry). Temperature up to 1700 °C; Accessories: NIST calibration glasses and liquids;  personal computer + software (Rheoplus R/N) + Windows XP


High Temperature rheological measurements with Couette method at controlled deformation rates.

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