Conference proceedings
- CAMPAGNOLA S., ROMANO C., VONA A.,GIORDANO G., ISAIA R. (2014) Understanding the transitions between fallout phases and PDCs from textural and rheological constraints on the Agnano-Monte Spina eruption (Campi Flegrei, Italy) IAVCEI 2014, 9-13 Settembre Yogyakarta, Indonesia
- CAMPAGNOLA S., ROMANO C, GIORDANO G., VONA A., POE B. What drives large-scale basic Plinian eruptions? Insights from textural and rheological studies on the Pozzolane Nere eruption (Colli Albani, Italy) IAVCEI 2014, 9-13 Settembre Yogyakarta, Indonesia
- DI PIAZZA A., RIZZO A., BARBERI F., CARAPEZZA ML., DE ASTIS G., ROMANO C., Geochemical features of mantle source feeding Turrialba volcano (Costa Rica): insights on the ongoing unrest phase GOLDSCHIMDT 2014, Sacramento
- GIORDANO G., CARICCHI C., VONA A., CORRADO S., ROMANO C., 79 AD Vesuvius PDC deposits' temperatures inferred from optical analysis on woods charred in-situ in the Villa dei Papiri at Hercolaneum (Italy). Cities on Volcanos 8, September 9-13, 2014. Grha Sabha Pramana, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
-SCHITO A., CORRADO S., ROMANO C., GRIGO D., Comparing vitrinite reflectance and micro-Raman spectroscopy indexes to assess thermal maturity of organic matter dispersed in sediments: a case history from the South Atlantic passive margin. Petroleum Geoscience Research Collaboration Showcas. 19-20 november. ExCel London (UK).
-DI PAOLO L., CORRADO S., ROMANO C., ALDEGA L., DI GENOVA D., GRIGO D., New methodological rationale for the quantitative assessment of thermal maturity of organic matter dispersed in sediments and thermal evolution of sedimentary successions. Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition and Conference. 10-13 November 2014, Abu Dhabi (Arab Emirates)