Alessandro Vona - EVPLab

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Dr. Alessandro Vona

2011 – PhD in Environmental and Resource Geology, Roma Tre University.
Thesis: "Multiphase Rheology of Italian Alkaline Magmas". Tutor: Dr. Claudia Romano.
2005 – M.Sc. in Geological Sciences  at Università di Roma Tre
Thesis on "Indagini sperimentali sulla cristallochimica dei clinopirosseni e assimilazione carbonatica". Tutor: Prof. Annibale Mottana.

Research activities (Mineralogy, Volcanology, Geochemistry):

Topics: Experimental Volcanology, Physical and Chemical Properties of Melt and Minerals, Silicate Melt Structure and Dynamics.
Methodologies: Rheological properties determination (concentric cylinder rheometer, micropenetration method for viscosity  measurements, differential scanning calorimeter, uniaxial press). X-ray diffraction analyses; electron microprobe analyses; imaging  analyses for textural characterization (crystal and vesicle size distributions); Raman spectrometry.


Tutorial assistantships on Mineralogy and Petrography
no. 5 Co-tutor of M.Sc. thesis
no. 1 Co-tutor of Ph.D. thesis

American Geophysical Union,  Mineralogical Society of America
SIMP (Societa’ Italiana di Mineralogia e Petrografia)


- MOLLO S., VONA A. (2014). The geochemical evolution of clinopyroxene in the Roman Province: A window on decarbonation from wall-rocks to magma. Lithos (in press), doi:  10.1016/j.lithos.2014.01.009
- VONA A., ROMANO C. (2013). The effects of undercooling and deformation rates on the crystallization kinetics of Stromboli and Etna basalts. Contributions to Mineralogy and  Petrology 166,491-509, doi: 10.1007/s00410-013-0887-0
- VONA  A., ROMANO C., GIORDANO D., RUSSELL J.K. (2013). The Multiphase Rheology of magmas from Monte Nuovo (Campi Flegrei, Italy). Chemical Geology 346, 213-227, doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2012.10.005
- DI GENOVA  D., ROMANO C., HESS K.-U., VONA A., POE B.T., GIORDANO D., DINGWELL D.B., BEHRENS H (2013). The rheology of peralkaline rhyolites from Pantelleria Island. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 249, 201–216, doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2012.10.017
- VONA A., ROMANO C., DINGWELL D.B., GIORDANO D. (2011). The rheology of crystal-bearing basaltic magmas from Stromboli and Etna. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 75, 3214–3236, doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2011.03.031


Assistant in the Experimental Volcanology and Petrology Lab


Earth and Ocean Sciences – University of British Columbia – Vancouver (CANADA)
Department für Geo- und Umweltwissenschaften – Ludwig Maximilians Universität – Monaco  (GERMANY)


(1) INGV-DPC (2012-2013). Subproject V1  – "Valutazione della pericolosità vulcanica in termini probabilistici". UR6. UR Responsible: Dr. Claudia Romano.
(2)  PRIN 2009 (2011-2013). "Caratteri tettono-magmatici di margini di placca divergenti". Coordinator: Valerio Acocella.
(3)  Cofin/PRIN (2008-2010) (PRIN 2007M4K94A) "Proprietà fisico-chimiche dei fusi silicatici in presenza di componenti volatili: sperimentazione, modellizzazione ed appicazioni al degassamento magmatico" Coordinator: Dr. Claudia Romano.
(4)  FIRB Air Plane (2007-2009) (RBPR05B2ZJ) "Piattaforma di ricerca multidisciplinare su terremoti e vulcani". Coordinator: Prof. Franco Barberi
(5)  INGV-DPC (2005-2007). Subproject V3_2/17 – Campi Flegrei, Task 6, UR17; UR Responsible:  Dr. Claudia Romano.

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